Pirate costumes for babies are here and they are aaaarrrdorable!
If you have always dreamt about living your life at sea and full of adventures, you can now do so from the safety of your home. Your little one can turn into the most adorable cabin boy or girl of the Seven Seas thanks to Funidelia's selection of pirate costumes for babies.
Prepare them to climb aboard the cot and dream of hidden treasure after reading them their favourite little boat story.
Amongst our pirate costumes we have the funniest baby costumes: ones with a handkerchief around the head, with a hat, with a parrot on the shoulder and even with a blunderbuss in their size! Paint a small goatee on them to give their costume that final touch and put a patch over one eye. They will look so cute.
Get the camera ready and be prepared to take an endless amount of photos because we are sure you will want to share with everyone your little one's face with their pirate costume for babies.